Creek Kids


Faith is choosing to trust, believe, and live God’s way, even when we can’t see Him or understand what’s going on around us. Our faith seed grows when we remember the great things God has done before, and wait patiently to see His promises to us come true.

* Video is the same throughout the month but Adventure Book worksheets/Parent Questions change weekly.


The opposite of wisdom is foolishness; choosing a way that isn't God's way. God's ways are wiser than our own. He made the world. He made us. Everyone needs God’s wisdom, and God shares it with everyone who wants it. All we have to do is choose to follow Jesus as our leader and number one friend. 

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

At Mill Creek, one of our greatest joys is leading and loving on our next generation. Our mission is building real life disciples connected to God, people, purpose and compassion. That begins at birth here at Mill Creek. We strongly believe in guiding, encouraging and supporting parents as they facilitate connection and build on what they teach at home.

  • Nursery: Our loving volunteers begin that connection to God as a channel through which His love flows. Our babies - 2 years old learn 1 John 4:8, "God is love".

  • Toddler/Pre-school: Our 2's through 4/5 year olds learn how Jesus wants us to connect to people. Kind words and actions are taught as they learn Matthew 7:12, "Do to others what you would want them to do to you".

  • Pre-K/Kindergarten: As children enter Preschool through Kindergarten, we begin helping kids learn the pursuit of worship and how they fit into the big God story. To reinforce their connection to God and others they learn Matthew 22:37, 39, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart...soul...mind and love your neighbor as yourself" and Proverbs 16:24, "Kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul and healthy to the body".

  • Konnect: Our elementary students (1st-5th grade) begin each service with the adults in "big" church. We start to reinforce the idea that they have a purpose in this world through Ephesians 2:10, "We are his masterpiece, created anew in Christ Jesus". And that purpose for all of us is to love and serve as Romans 12:10 says, "Love each other deeply. Honor others more than yourselves".

Special Events

Don't miss some of the special events we have for Creek Kids throughout the year.

Rockout Campout (summer elementary camp)
Family Movie Nights
ONE Service (inflatables on the lawn)
and more...

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If you have any questions about Creek Kids, please fill out the form below to connect with us.